Trouble for Ridgewood, New Jersey.
March 19, 2010 at 1:35 P.M. "Errors" inserted since this morning. ("Sybil R. Moses Joins the Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "Sybil R. Moses and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
Winnie Hu & Robert Gebelof, "Details Given On Cuts by Christie To Schools," in The New York Times, March 18, 2010, at p. A29.
"Fifty-nine of New Jersey's wealthiest school districts would receive no direct state aid for their operations next year -- in effect, a 100 percent cut -- under the governor's proposed budget, according to state figures released on Wednesday."
Ridgewood is the most detested municipality in the Garden State with a larger concentration of assholes than any other community in a jurisdiction "wealthy" with such individuals. It is very nice there. ("'Revolutionary Road': A Movie Review.")
"The state would seek to reduce direct aid to nearly 600 districts by an amount equivalent to as much as 5 percent of their individual operating budgets, for an overall reduction of $820 MILLION from the year before. The education cuts were revealed in detail for the first time since being proposed on Tuesday by Gov. Christopher J. Christie as part of his $29.3 BILLION budget plan."
School board budgets -- as Union City's former Education Commissioner, Bob ("El Bobo Numero Uno") Menendez will attest -- is one of the primary sources for graft, waste, and a feeding tube for the mafia, many of whose members enjoy the "community" life in Ridgewood and the lack of street crime. ("Cement is Gold.")
The "Paramus Mall" and cultural center is twenty minutes from Ridgewood. See you at the Food Court!
"For wealthier districts like Ridgewood, Millburn and Glen Ridge" -- that's where they raped that handicapped girl and let's get tough on crime! -- "that would mean losing the direct state aid that they receive for their classrooms ... forcing them to rely almost exclusively on local property taxes."
For a sense of New Jersey's traditional fiscal responsibility in the most politically and judicially corrupt setting in the nation, see "Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey's Mafia Culture in Law and Politics," then "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics."
I could not live my life in a setting like suburbia. I recognize that my views and values are a minority perspective. However, I am sure that places like Ridgewood -- or Mountainside, Millburn, Cherry Hill and similar communities -- are absolute hell, for me. I would die, slowly and painfully in such places, which is (perhaps) what happens to the denizens of such "communities." ("'Invasion': A Movie Review" and "'The Stepford Wives': A Movie Review.")
Luckily, many such denizens will never discover their condition as zombies doomed to walk the malls of America in pairs, often while holding hands. You will see their cheerful faces and moronic grins at the Republican National Convention every four years. Students of cinema will detect their faces illuminated by torches at the Munich rallies filmed, I believe, by Lina Riefensthal in the thirties. (See Triumph of the Will documenting the 1936 Nuremberg rally.) The "undead" walk the Paramus Park mall every day. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead.")
"The proposed cuts sent superintendents and school boards scrambling to rework their district budgets, which are to be submitted to the state for review next Monday. School budget votes are scheduled for April 20."
Officials have not yet broached the subject of job losses. I am certain that many people will lose their jobs thanks to the consequences of theft, for years, under Democrat mafia-machine rule. James ("Slim Jim") McGreevey, Esq. had no comment. Corzine and Carla are off for a jaunt in Monte Carlo. ("Debbie Poritz Likes the Ladies!" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
"Many districts were already reeling from a $475 MILLION reduction in direct state aid last month as part of Mr. Christie's campaign to close a $2.2 BILLION budget deficit [in the schools budget alone, $11 BILLION total deficit in the state government!] in the current fiscal year. ..."
Pamela a.k.a. "Paula" Dow, Attorney General in New Jersey, could save so much money in "cover-up costs" by simply turning over the files that pertain to me. Think about it, Pam. Why not call off the cyberwarfare, Pam? Cybercrime is not nice. Don't you want to play nicely with others? I want the video- and audiotapes, Pam. I like the name "Pam" much better than "Paula." In response to tampering with people's names in my essays and other inserted "errors," I have decided to refer to Trenton's lowlifes by their various aliases, indiscriminately, at my pleasure.
Essays examining child prostitution in Trenton and the allegations concerning possible participation in these activities by "unidentified lesbians" -- like Debbie Poritz or Anne Milgram perhaps -- are coming up. "Errors" should be inserted right about now. Keep 'em coming, political whores. ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
" ... [Schools will be] forced to lay off teachers and school staff members, increase class sizes and pare high school electives."
Supporters of local politicians may experience difficult times. A federal investigation of "irregularities" in school and other municipal budgets in North Bergen, as well as other north Hudson towns, allegedly, is under way. However, the official reply to inquiries from the F.B.I. is always "no comment on pending investigations." ("Federal Investigation in North Bergen, New Jersey.")
Only one letter removed from this essay revised earlier today. Badda-bing, badda-boom! Ridgewood scumbags, I guess. I say that in the nicest way. ("The Politics of Corruption and Waste in New Jersey.")
Was North Bergen school administrator JORGE PRADO charged with child molestation, finally, or only theft? Have you been a bad boy, JORGE? If convicted, you're going to have a fun time in prison, JORGE. I can promise you that. ("More Democrats Busted in New Jersey" and "More Mafia Figures Arrested in N.J. and N.Y.")
An "ongoing" investigation of real estate and bank fraud in Union City and other north Hudson towns is also proceeding "very nicely," according to unidentified local sources. Give my regards to the twins, Bob. ("More on Jersey Gangs and Corrupt Courts.")
Whatever happened to the grand juries in the Menendez matters? "A little of this a little that ..." Bob? Any more "errors" that you wish to insert, Bob? ("Senator Menendez Struggles to Find His Conscience" and "Is Senator Bob 'For' Human Rights?")
Did you really think that altering names in my essays would slow me down? I hope not.