Thursday, September 23, 2010

N.J.'s Politically-Connected Lawyers on the Tit.

September 26, 2010 at 1:51 P.M. "Errors" inserted overnight will now be corrected. This intimidation tactic is intended to discourage writing efforts by me. I find it stimulating to be so popular. I will continue to write from public computers. It is gratifying to know that I am having some effect or my adversaries (Gambinos?) would not be making use of these tactics. Shame on you, Mr. Rabner. (Soon: "Is Joel T. Leyner, Esq. New Jersey's Slimiest Fixer?" and "Debbie Poritz Likes the Ladies!")

September 25, 2010 at 7:35 P.M. "Errors" were inserted in a number of essays, including "Nihilists in Disneyworld." I will struggle to make all necessary corrections.

September 24, 2010 at 8:56 A.M. "Errors" inserted overnight have now been corrected, until next time. Is Mary Anne Kricko, Esq. embroiled in another scandal? I will focus in future essays on Debbie Poritz and her circle of forbidden lovers. Let us see whether my computer's cable signal is obstructed once more. Continuing computer crime suggests that "where there is smoke, there is fire."

We must deal with New Jersey's ethical putridness because "one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel." Right, John? John McGill is blessed with an original and powerful intellect that avoids banalities at all times. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")

September 23, 2010 at 6:20 P.M. "Errors" inserted since my posting of this essay earlier today. This is part of what they call "frustration-inducement." New Jersey's mafia whores in the legal profession don't like me. I don't like them. ("New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead" and "Anne Milgram Does it Again!")

September 23, 2010 at 2:44 P.M. My computer's cable signal was blocked when I attempted to run a full scan of my system. I have rebooted my computer. The following calls were made to my home in an effort to induce anxiety, I guess: 9-13-10 at 1:46 P.M. from 800-947-5096 ("Cingular"); 9-13-10 at 1:55 P.M. 242-000-4266 ("Name Unavailable"). Both numbers are probably bogus. Garcia? Kricko?

September 23, 2010 at 9:59 A.M. A number of essays were vandalized yesterday. The updating feature of my security system was obstructed to allow for alterations of my texts based on the use of NJ government computers, I believe, and access to my blogs was obstructed several times. Scans of my system were also obstructed. Let's see what they try next. ("Nihilists in Disneyworld.")

Jeff Pillets, Stephanie Akin, Michael Gartland, and John Reitmeyer, "Lending Agency Pays Big: Millions Go to Politically Connected Contractors," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-1.
"8 Officials Arrested in Corruption Case," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-1. ("Mayor and former city manager charged with taking more than $5.5 MILLION.")
Lisa Fleischer & Mike Frassinelli, "Dems Threaten to Withhold Vital Funds for Transportation," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-1. (Politics in Trenton.)
AP, "Embezzling Charges for Two Union Heads," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-3. (New Jersey's Stephen Arena and David Caviano charged in connection with embezzling $300,000.") Jose Ginarte, Esq.? Edgar Navarrete, Esq.? Mary Anne Kricko, Esq.? Disbarred?
Dorie Turner, "Study Finds No Benefit to Teacher Merit Pay," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-4. (Merit pay for N.J. teachers is necessary, but much of it will be stolen if bonuses are ever made available to exceptional classroom teachers by legions of politically connected administrators.)
Steven Strumley, "Christie Cautions on Using Tunnel Money for Repairs," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A-9. (The tunnel into the city will not get built because Christie wants to starve the mafia.)
Alissa J. Rubin, "Coalition Deaths in Afghan War Set One Year Record After Helicopter Crashes," in The Record, September 22, 2010, at p. A13. (1,274 American deaths and counting, while the death toll is even higher in Iraq, over 5,000 deaths, and a wave of bombings suggests "coordination" in anti-US efforts. $1 BILLION per month in costs.)

"The once obscure Bergen County Improvement Authority [BCIA] now embroiled in a widening federal fraud scandal, also dishes out millions in fees to well-connected contractors and political insiders."

"BCIA writes checks every month to a small army of lawyers, lobbyists, engineers, architects, financial advisers and consultants who have two things in common: They weren't hired by public bid and all gave big money to New Jersey [mostly Democrat] politicians."

"During the past five years, the BCIA has awarded $28 MILLION in No-Bid work to just two consultants PMK Group of Cranford and Neglia Engineering of Lyndhurst, agency records show another $14 MILLION in No-Bid construction work went to a company owned by Hackensack builder and restaurateur Joseph ["Joey-Six-Toes"] Sanzari." (Bonanos, allegedly?)

Notice this interesting coincidence:

"PMK Neglia and Sanzari made nearly $1 MILLION in political contributions during roughly the same period. ..."

Quid pro cuo? These are your federal tax dollars, America. How much was coming back under the table to donors in the form of contracts for services? How much that was paid to contractors was then, in turn, coming back to politicians? Cronyism?

"Those contracts are part of $100 MILLION in spending described in public documents that track BCIA operations going back to 2005."

Now I understand what good-old Alex Booth, Esq. meant about "bribing politicians" in the "creative" bond deals I seem to remember him indulging in and "closing." The connected law firm of Chasan, Leyner & Lamparello, Esqs. contributed $208,500 (2006-10) and received (2006-10) consulting fees in the amount of $652,285. Not a bad profit. ("Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics" and "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")

I wonder whether Mark Leyner visited my sites on behalf of his father -- Joel T. Leyner, Esq.? -- or, say, Sybil R. Moses, Esq.? Did Mr. Leyner assist in the "error" insertions? Can Mr. Leyner, jr. or senior, shed any light on the plagiarisms of my writings and computer crime at these blogs? I wonder whether any of these persons spoke to David Denby about me or these blogs? Stuart Rabner? ("What is it like to be plagiarized?" and "David Denby is Not Amused.")

Did Stuart Rabner, Esq. presume to instruct me on philosophical matters? Was Stuart surprised to be instructed by little-old me? I wonder whether Stuart Rabner visited the "Philosophy Cafe" at MSN? Anne Milgram, Esq.? Did Terry Tuchin visit my sites? Did Tuchin attend any of the "Philosophy Cafes," led by me, in New York, or speak to anyone at any time in connection with those discussion groups? Did John McGill do the same? I wonder what Terry Tuchin said about me? You were going to "go to bat for me," right Terry? You said you were on my side, Terry. Has Terry Tuchin spoken to any attorneys in New York about me recently? Did Terry identify himself as a "psychiatrist" or "CIA agent"? Did Terry explain that he may be the target of a federal criminal ivestigation as a result of the actions he has taken against me? ("Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "Jennifer Velez is a 'Dyke Magnet!'")

"For every $1 the BCIA spends on brick and mortar work on facilities, such as Bergen Regional Medical Center and Overpeck Park, it spends nearly another $1 on professional advisors and consultants." (Only one measly inserted "error" since this morning?)

Many of these lawyers -- in addition to their "legal" contributions -- are kicking back under the table to the politicians finagling these deals, allegedly, also to judges and prosecutors (also allegedly) who are looking the other way. Many of these people play musical chairs going from public to private sector positions with ease, making money as consultants from deals they made on public transactions and decisions while they were in government. These are the shysters who comment on my ethics. Marilyn, you are a saint compared to these worthless specimens of humanity. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey is the Home of the Living Dead.")

Mafia mouthpieces and political leeches get to serve on the Ethics Committee of the New Jersey Bar Association. Give me the torture files, Chris Christie. This is not going away. Each day that the cover-up continues aggravates the harm suffered by its victims, including New Jersey's legal system and the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Christie, this shameful spectacle for New Jersey must be brought to an end. ("What is it like to be censored in America?")

" ... professionals have been paid $39 MILLION so far."

How much of the $100 MILLION that is supposed to reach Newark school children will actually make it to those schools that desperately need the money? 50%? Similar donations could result in pay increases for Garden State teachers, including merit pay (which I favor), and bonuses for teachers willing to work in difficult settings or with troubled children. The reality is that money is stolen, every day, in New Jersey's political and legal system. Please don't mess with tenure for our teachers. Put the money in the hands of teachers, not political flunkies in the teachers' union.

"NW financial, a Jersey City firm whose executives have donated more than $200,000 to New Jersey politicians since 2006, was scheduled to make quite a bit of money this year. Right, Alex?"

Finally, a second inserted "error." Probably, Ms. Kricko is up to her old tricks. Incidentally, among the uses to which your tax dollars are being put is upkeep and fancy maintance of rich people's horses at a Bergen County stable, where accupuncture and massage therapy is available for horses eating better food than many of New Jersey's people who care for them or the millions trying to survive in this economy. This is absolutely factually accurate. I will devote a future essay to this topic.

Like Caligula -- the Roman emperor who made his favorite stallion a Senator -- Mr. Christie may appoint one of these horses to the judicial bench or to fill Bob Menendez's seat in the U.S. Senate after Bob's alleged and forthcoming indictment. The horse can't do worse than Menendez. Any Garden State horse will probably be more honest than Bob. ("Does Senator Menendez have Mafia Friends?")

"Dennis McNerny, Esq. took control in 2003," and the public entity has been busier than ever. Dennis Oury, Esq. and Joe Ferreiro, Esq. (he is out of the can!) are "dipping their wicks" in this sewer. Still bad mouthing me behind my back, boys? ("An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")

"All that lending has pushed the BCIA's debt to a historically high $450 MILLION -- 45 times higher than it was just a decade ago."

I wonder who has my watch these days? Alex Booth, Esq.? Stuart Rabner, Esq.? Howard Brownstein, Esq.? Enjoy the good times, fellas.

Money has been spread out among a "galaxy of New Jersey's most influential law firms, who collectively receive about $1 MILLION per year in legal fees." ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State.")

Everybody is on the tit! Where is the OAE? John McGill, Esq.? You worried a lot about whether I charged $500 for a No-Fault Divorce, or whether I had returned all fees for uncompleted work when -- as a result of the suspension obtained, fraudulently, by your office -- I was legally unable to complete that work, even as I reimbursed every penny without being sued and never took a dime from a client. ("Burn Notice.")

Politically connected attorneys charging absurdly exploitative fees for little or no time-consuming work are hunky-dory for the greasy and slimy dirt bags at the OAE in Trenton. They must be getting some of this loot under the table at the OAE. I wonder who sent those letters to me seeking money for legal fees and costs of ethics litigation? ("A Letter From the DRB, in New Jersey!" and "Another Letter From the DRB, in New Jersey!")

Who were you doing favors for, John, Bob Menendez? Mary Anne? Worthless lowlifes in New Jersey's legal profession claim to be my intellectual and "ethical" superiors. I disagree. ("New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

How come there is no concern on the part of the OAE about these sleazebags in the legal profession? Were you slandering me behind my back to clients, family members and friends, John McGill, Esq.? Did you do that slandering before and/or after soliciting or creating grievances against me, John McGill, Esq.? Is that ethical, John McGill, Esq.? Have you been disbarred, John McGill, Esq.? You are going to be indicted, right John McGill, Esq.? Computer crime? Cooperate fully, John. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")

"During the past two years, the commission has hired law firms connected to former Gov. Jim Florio, ["Jim Florio, Esq. and the Mafia in Atlantic City"] former Attorney General David Sampson and South Jersey power-broker George E. Norcross, III."

"Paul Fader, former chief counsel to Gov. Jim McGreevey and Richard Codey, Esq. has been paid $192,000 during the past two years for legal advice on issues ranging from proposed legislation to the installation of a new sprinkler system at Bergen Regional Medical Center."

How much Fader was sharing with McGreevey and Codey, if anything, no one can say -- except for these Jersey Boys who are keeping quiet on the advice of their attorneys. "I don't know from nothing!" Fader said to a passing microphone. I suspect that Mr. Fader is not only politically-connected, but also politically connected. (Either form of writing the phrase is acceptable.)

Recently, "Chasan, Leyner and Lamparello of Secaucus" -- where most Hudson County Superior Court judges were incubated -- "has received more than $650,000 in fees."

That ain't nothing:

" ... Dennis Oury, Esq. pleaded guilty last year to federal fraud charges connected to a grant writing business he secretly formed with Ferreiro ["Bergen's Godfather"]." (emphasis added)

"Oury's firm received more than $831,000 in fees from BCIA since 2005."

Mr. Oury handled all of their traffic matters for slightly less than one million smackers. The allegedly mob-connected Lamparello also did just fine:

"Attorney Ralph Lamparello, [received] $300,000 for unspecified special litigation."

Did he remember to charge for the stamps he used? The OAE was not worried about whether these fees for "unspecified litigation" were "excessive" because these people are not radical minority solos who are challenging the system. No one has been asked to "specify" how these fees were earned, if they were.

Plus, these guys are probably kicking back to OAE whores who often come from these same politically-charged law firms and return to them after their alleged "public service." The criminal insertion of "errors" in my writings could not take place without the cooperation of Trenton's legal whores and walking turds. Keep 'em coming, boys. You're relieving yourselves on the U.S. Constitution. All we're missing is the black helicopters. ("Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")

How's it going Joe Ryan, Esq.? How's the food in Hoboken these days, boys? I wonder why there were so many helicopters hovering over my building when I wrote this essay? Mr. Codey? Intimidation? Probably just a coincidence, right? ("Richard J. Codey, Esq. Immortalized on Canvas in New Jersey" and "Is Albio Sires or Richard J. Codey Next in New Jersey?")

There was almost no "oversight" (people laugh when you use this word in New Jersey government), inadequate budget control, probably trust account shenanigans as well at BCIA. How do you scam artists, like Stuart Rabner, Esq., have the nerve to judge my character or ethics or to label me "unethical," let alone to continue to tamper with my writings, relationships, family members after all these years? Where are the torture files, Stuart? ("No More Cover-Ups and Lies, Chief Justice Rabner!")

Say hello to Angelo ('The Horn") Prisco, Stuart Rabner. How much do you need, Stuart? ("Stuart Rabner and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")
